Tuesday, January 31, 2012

...And I Don't even have kids.

That’s all I keep telling myself the past few weeks…. "And I don’t even have kids". It’s kind of like the times you step on the scale and see the number “xxx” and think man and I didn’t even put my second leg on. Or the time your at the grocery store and the cash register already says $90.27 and you look at the rest of the items to the left on the belt and realize, she didn’t even add the milk (which is now more expensive per gallon than gasoline). Or of course the days you wake up late, spill your coffee, answer 5 emails, do a  load of laundry, make food, clean up the food, and do some dish’s while your at it, and realize you didn’t even make it out the door yet.  Why… just why? Why does it feel like you think you’ve had enough, but then you look just a little beyond and realize the things you thought would fill up your life, your time, your money, the “extra” is STILL not added. Can you take any more?
            To be honest I have said this before and will say it over and over again. Life is crazy, it is hectic, it is non-stop and constant. And we my ladies are always at the forefront trying our best to stay in step. I am pretty sure it is our nature to try and do it all. We want to be wonder woman, but we just can’t seem to figure out why we can’t fit into our spandex suit and tackle the world. Just because the desire is there doesn’t mean we are capable of doing it. Trust me it is a hard fact for me to face- that I am incapable of conquering the world, though sometimes I may wake up thinking I can- of course after the third snooze on the two alarm clocks. The desire of many women is to be strong, and sensitive, to be joyful and persistent. She wants to care for her family, to nurture her children, to have a clean home and to knock off those last five pounds. And as one of my wonderful mother friends has said it recently “Something has got to give...and soon its going to be your sanity”.
            It’s so easy for me to see the other women in the church, and think man she has it all together.  She some how can manage to work forty plus hours a week, make a home cooked meal daily for her family of four, work out three times a week, and have the most perfect manicured nail. Does she go by the same calendar as me? Are there more than 24 hours in her day? I barely struggle to keep the dish’s and laundry up to date…and I DON’T EVEN HAVE KIDS!
The truth is none of us have it together, and none of us are capable of getting it all under control. We desperately need the help of others and most importantly the help of our Savior to bring us back to sanity. We need to reevaluate our standards, our busy schedules and our goals and truly surrender them to Him. God will give you the strength to do what is in His plan. And quite frankly if it isn’t to finish that last load of laundry the world will not end. Because no matter how much you get done today- you will still have a to-do list tomorrow.
Take some time today to think about your priorities. Remind yourself that you may not be able to get it all done, but ask what is most important? Try to take a deep breathe whenever you turn around and realize the table you just cleaned now has orange juice spilled all over, or the load of laundry you put in isn’t finished because you forgot to press start. All you can do is breathe, pray and ask God for strength and sanity to do the things you humanly can today.

Here is a yummy, healthy, quick snack! (to help you on the go, and for those extra 5 pounds!)

Kale Chips
·      Bushel of kale (green leafy vegetable)
·      Extra virgin Olive Oil
·      Garlic
·      Salt
·      Pepper
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Wash and dry kale. Cut leaves from stems and break into small pieces. Put on cookie sheet. Drizzle with EVOO and sprinkle salt, pepper, and garlic. (feel free to  try out any other seasonings!) and then bake for about 10 minutes, until the leaves are crispy and browned. Take out and enjoy!
(I don’t recommend storing this because the leaves wilt and don’t taste the greatest. So make how much you plan to eat fresh out of the oven!)

Eat, Drink and Be transformed by His plan!

Click to Check out this other blogger's post about realizing we don't all have it "together"